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Units of Learning

Varying in length, subject matter, thematics, activities, outcomes, and criteria, Units of Learning provide a detailed framework for complex and layered learning across the Art, Craft, and Design strands.


Each unit tracks the teaching and learning of the Junior and Senior Cycle Specifications while being grounded in historical and contemporary art practices that shape the standards of the discipline.  

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Lesson Plans

Using the Unit of Learning as a foundation, lesson plans are developed to support the teaching and learning of each class. They outline learning outcomes, success criteria, differentiation, resources, activities, questioning, and pacing, designed specifically for each and every lesson, in response to the one before. 

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Curriculum Planning

The Curriculum Plan details the Units of Learning for each year group, across the five terms of the academic year. Designed to give students a full range of learning experiences across Art, Craft, and Design strands, the plan is flexible and, in practice, can be co-constructed with students in response to contemporary art practice, diversity in the classroom, and the changing world. 

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