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Niamh Porter 
Curriculum Planning
Academic Year 2023-24

The Curriculum Plan details the Units of Learning for each year group, across the five terms of the academic year. Designed to give students a full range of learning experiences in Art, Craft, and Design, the plan is flexible and, in practice, can be co-constructed with students in response to contemporary art practice, diversity in the classroom, and the changing world. 

The Curriculum Plan outlines the Strand in focus, be it Art, Craft, or Design. Given the interdisciplinary nature of art making, Units oftentimes encompass two, or all three strands through the various stages of research, development, and creating a realised work. The project's theme and media allow students to learn various art methodologies, challenge concepts, and acquire new skills and competencies while engaging with complex, challenging, playful, experimental, emotional, and practical subject matter. 

In every Unit, drawing is the primary language- how research, ideas, developments, and final works are articulated. Depending on the subject matter and outcomes, its form will take many shapes in and out of the sketchbook. 

Visual culture and appreciation are the subject foundations. Students will be presented with a rich panorama of art, in all its forms, both historical to contemporary practices from around the world. Art is challenging and unpredictable, emotive and intuitive, diverse. The artists and visual culture I present as a teacher do not shy away from the difficulties of art, or prescribe what art is; it aims to open students up to the neverending possibilities of what it can do for us. It aims to promote critical and individual thought, by looking out and inward. 


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